Purposefully Made, Part 3

 “How amazing is it that the maker of the universe and all that is in it has established your destiny and purpose before you were even born?!?!  This means that the road to your success has been mapped out, established, and made for you.  Purpose realized is success at its fullest.  You can have money and you can have power, but if you have not sought after your purpose, then there will always be something left to be desired.”- from Purposefully Made, Part 2.
Six years ago, the message of Purposefully Made was conceived.  I stood among friends while listening to mentors speak at a leadership conference, but the loudest voice in the room came from the Lord.  I’m so thankful for the epiphany that ignited my passion!  Have you ever regretted a decision, and then later saw how God used it for your good?  Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. So I don’t regret my decision to enroll in school and pursue a career that was not meant for me because it showed me that my value rests in who God says I am, and not in the opinions of people.  Albeit an expensive lesson, it was a lesson learned nonetheless.
God did use all things for my good, and He showed me what my purpose is. Do you wonder what you were made for?  Are you confused about where you are in life right now and if you’re on the right path?  I contend that moving on our feelings is not enough to guide us, as our feelings are circumstantial and are not based on truth.  “Follow your heart” is the message of the world, but the bible tells us that we are fools to trust our own hearts and the heart is deceitful (Proverbs 28:26, Jeremiah 17:9).  So, if all things good come to those who love God and are called according to His purpose, it would be best for us to seek the purpose giver about the direction of our lives.
 With so much talk about destiny and purpose, living your best life and chasing your dreams, one would think that seeking Christ would be part of the conversation.  But so much of the motivational and leadership talks and media influences that are marketed to the masses leave Jesus out of the equation.  It is truly a trick of the enemy of our lives to deceive us by encouraging the pursuit of success without pursuing God.  If that is you- if you are running towards goals, reaching for the stars, searching for your destiny, or even sitting stagnant because you don’t know what to do or how to do it, well then, I challenge you. I challenge you to seek God’s plan for your life. I challenge you to ask the Lord, seek the Kingdom, and knock on the door to your purpose… “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).
You have everything you need inside of you to fulfill your purpose and live the life that you were made for!  The only problem is that some of us don’t realize that they were made for a purpose!  You were never meant to do it alone- the purpose giver is ready to enter into a relationship with you and lead you to prosperity and good success (Joshua 1:8)!
Sincerely with Love,
Jess ❤

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